Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some Discussion Questions

#1: CIVICS-What is the role, if any, of women from this country in politics? -Are women allowed to hold elected, appointed or hereditary offices? -What official laws apply specifically to women in this country/region?

#2: EDUCATION-Does public education exist in this country? -What rights, if any, do women from this country have to be educated? -What is generally the highest level of education that women achieve? -What obstacles or limitations, if any, do women face with regard to education?

#3: HOUSEHOLD-What is the traditional role of women from this country in the household?-What expectations is she held to as a wife, mother and/or daughter?

#4: WORKPLACE-What jobs in society, if any, can women from this country hold? -Are there "typical" jobs for women? -Are there jobs that are traditionally held only or primarily by men? Why or why not? -What differences in status or salary, if any, are evident between men and women in this country?

#5: SOCIETY-Do women from a particular social class in this country have a different role than women of a lower or higher class? Why or why not? -Are women considered to be of a lower class than men? If yes, in what ways?

#6: RELIGION-What religions are practiced in this country? -What are the primary ways in which women participate in these religions?-Are there religious honors, titles or ceremonies that are off limits to women? If so, which ones? Why?

#7: TIMELINE -How have the roles of women in this country changed over time? -What events or policies helped to bring around these changes?